Why We Should Organize

Let’s take it back to basics. “Why should we organize?” I’ve gotten asked this question so many times. Although the answer may be different for different people, I know from working with my clients that one of the biggest reasons people chose to organize their space is because literally changes their lives. Organizing is SO much more than just surface level. The mental change that it brings is super important. It brings me so much joy to hear about how I could help take away so much stress and overwhelm from my clients and how it has changed their lives for the better!

So let’s start from the beginning and learn more about why we should organize:

Staying organized reduces anxiety and stress

Scientists have studied the effect that clutter can have on mood and self-esteem. Having a cluttered space often leads to anxiety, stress, and overwhelm. In turn- anxiety, stress, and overwhelm can often lead to other health issues and negative emotions. We don’t want that for you this year or ever!

Decluttering keeps your space open and calm

When you’re in an organized space, your brain doesn’t have to work as hard. It leaves you feeling calm, energized, motivated, and focused. Decluttering can also open the door to taking better care of other aspects of your life (healthy eating, exercising, mental health...etc.). It’s a win-win all around! This is one of the biggest reasons why we should organize

Organization is about progress over perfection

The most important thing for you to remember about why we should organize is Progress > Perfection. Celebrate your progress, even if it’s small. Nobody is going to be 100% perfect, 100% of the time. Give yourself grace and keep on being your wonderful self. Keeping an organized space takes time but I promise, with a little bit of help, it will be so worth it.

If you’re looking to get started on organizing your space, we can help! Connect with us for a complimentary consultation today to learn more about how we can help.

Melanie McConnell is a Professional Organizer and the owner of Mello Spaces. She helps busy professionals and parents get the organized home of their dreams. Check out her website www.mellospaces.com and follow her on Instagram: @mellospaces

Florena Davies is a Professional Organizer and Owner of Organize by Flo. She uses her experience as a wife and mother of 2 to create real life organizational systems and changes for work and home that allow our 2 worlds to co-exist and 'Flo" together. Check out her website at https://www.organizebyflo.com/ and on instagram @organizebyflo.

Marybeth Welty helps women create calm and healthy homes and lives. With over 12 years of experience in organizing, interior design, sustainable building, and mindful living, Marybeth is passionate about improving your mental health, your work, your relationships, and supporting the life of your dreams by starting with where you live, your home.  You can book a free meeting with her at https://sustainablelifestylesolutions.com/20-min-free and connect with her on Instagram at @this_sustainable_lifestyle.