5 Quick Ways to Get More Organized in Less Than 10 Minutes

Life can be so hectic and it’s so easy to feel overwhelmed. It’s about time we all admit that we need to organize our lives and work our way around the things that work for us. Think about all the precious time you’ll be able to save and use for more important tasks. In this article, we will list 5 quick ways on how you can get more organized in less than 10 minutes!

1. Clean out your fridge - Take everything out, wipe down all surfaces. Toss anything that has expired. Put everything back in. Remember to keep like items together. 

2. Organize your shoes - Collect all your shoes. Organize your shoes into 3 categories – keep, toss, donate. Only keep the shoes you wear every day for the current season by the door. Pack the rest away!

3. Plan your outfits - Spend time on Sunday laying out your clothes for the week. This will ensure all your clothes are clean. Plus it will save 5-15 minutes every day on deciding what to wear. 

4. Wash Dishes - Wash your dishes immediately after using them. Trust me, there is nothing worse than walking into your kitchen with a sink full of dishes. Pro tip: Wash dishes as you cook. 

5. Crap Basket – It is a system for the junk that your family leaves lying around the house. Just put anything that is out of place in the right person’s basket. It is their responsibility to put all the stuff from their basket away. 

I hope that these 5 tips will help get your home a little more organized.

Melanie McConnell is a professional organizer and the owner of Mello Spaces. She helps busy professionals and parents, in the Lower Mainland, get organized. Follow her on Instagram: @mellospaces